I have created this Quiz for my Year 11 students. I just wanted to make Revision Days a little bit more fun and less serious. This quiz covers all 5 GCSE themes:
Identity & Culture (14 activities)
Local area, holiday and travel (10 activities)
School (7 activities)
Future aspirations, study and work (11 activities)
International and global dimension (11 activities)
The activities are varied and some of the are exam-style questions. Students will also be able to practice reading, listening, vocab and translation.
*Bare in mind that the quiz is quite long. It can be done over several lessons.
Lesson for the new GCSE Spanish 2024 (Higher). It covers Module 3 (Mi gente, mi mundo), unit 4 (Así soy yo).
This lesson covers:
Talking about what matters to you
Talking about social media
Using para + infinitive
FILE TYPE: the lesson is an editable PPT file. Includes a print version.
CONTENT: the lesson has 3 starter activities and includes genuine reading and a variety of activities.
There is one listening activity included. Please note that audio files must be purchased from the exam board and that I cannot provide them.
Lesson for the new GCSE Spanish 2024. It covers Module 4 Higher (Mi estilo de vida), unidad 1 (¿Llevas una vida sana?).
FILE TYPE: the lesson is an editable PPT file. Includes a print version.
CONTENT: this lesson covers describing healthy daily routines and using indefinite adjectives.
*Please note listening files must be purchased from the exam board and that I cannot provide them.
Lesson for the new GCSE Spanish 2024. It covers Module 2 (Viajes), introduction lesson (Descubre Andalucía)
FILE TYPE: the lesson is an editable PPT file. Includes a print version.
CONTENT: this lesson covers revision of the weather, using me gusta/me gustaría and photo description. All answers are included and embedded in the PPT file.
*Please note listening files must be purchased from the exam board and that I cannot provide them.
Lesson for the new GCSE Spanish 2024 (Higher). It covers Module 3 (Mi gente, mi mundo), unit 5 (Necesito ayuda, ¿Qué puedo hacer?).
This lesson covers:
Talking about problems and giving advice
Using ‘estar’ to express moods
Using ‘deberías’ and ‘podrías’
Using negative words such as ‘nunca’, ‘nada’ ‘nadie’ and ‘tampoco’.
FILE TYPE: the lesson is an editable PPT file. Includes a print version.
CONTENT: the lesson has 3 starter activities and includes genuine reading and a variety of activities.
There is one listening activity included. Please note that audio files must be purchased from the exam board and that I cannot provide them.
Complete pack to teach Viva 1 - Módulo 4 (Mi familia y mis amigos). This pack includes.
All the resources students will need throughout the half term. They are all together as a booklet that you can print either in A4 or A5. The design has been made in B&W to cut down on costs. The booklet is included as PPT format and it is completely editable.
Vocabulary pages.
5 lessons (5 include a PPT file to show students) with answers to all activities. It goes along nicely with Viva 1 textbook. It includes lots of extra activities. All lessons completely editable too. It does not include listening files as this are provided by the exam boards and must be purchased separately. However, if you look on the notes section of each slide it tells you what page and exercise from the textbook we are using)
Includes a few pages with revision activities that students can complete before the assessment (Lesson 6 - no PPT).
*Please note that this Modules pack doesn’t include assessment.
This bundle includes:
Lessons for each unit of the module, including Punto de partida (7 lessons in total, PPT, completely editable and with answers). Each lesson comes with homework activities.
Knowledge organiser
Revision booklet
This is the second part of the end of year revision I am creating for my Year 8 Spanish groups. It covers Modules 3, 4 and 5 and covers the following topics:
Ordering in a restaurant.
Opinions (me encanta, me gusta, etc.)
The near future tense.
Places in town.
Difference between “al” and “a la”.
How to get ready for a party.
Reflexive verbs
Rooms of the house.
Describing a house or a flat.
This resource includes:
Answer key
4 sides of A4 (so 8 pages)
Vocab sheet
Vocab activities (ie, crossword)
Authentic reading activities with some GCSE style exercises).
Translation practice into both TL and English.
This homework booklet includes a range of activities for all the units of the new Pearson Edexcel GCSE 2024 - Module 4 - Mi estilo de vida.
This homework booklet includes:
1 page per unit of the book, with a couple of activities for students to complete at home.
1 vocab test for each unit of the book.
You will receive four files:
1 Power Point document with the homework booklet (editable version).
1 Power Point with the answers (editable version).
1 homework booklet (same as PPT) in PDF (not editable).
1 answer key in PDF (not editable).
This is a resource I have created for my A-Level students in order to go through all the essentials when it comes to writing an essay about Volver in the exam. It is based on the Edexcel exam papers and indicative content.
This resource includes information on:
Parts of an essay
Use of language in the essay
Use of quotations
Writing checklist
Planning practice (8 real essay titles from past papers, indicative content and support quotes to go with them).
The resource is in Power Point format and completely editable.
This booklet is all your students need in order to practice reading, translation and writing for their GCSE exam. It covers Module 2 from VIVA textbook. It contains:
16+ exercises
Answers and model answers
Authentic reading, translation and writing material
Exam skill based activities
This booklet could be used as homework, as extension work, as cover work, or as a way of revising the module once you have finished it!
Lesson for the new GCSE Spanish 2024. It covers Module 3 (Mi gente, mi mundo), unit 2 (¿A quién sigues?).
This lesson covers:
Talking about who you admire
How long you have been doing something
Using the personal a
This lesson has three starter activities (retrieval practice of physical descriptions and using the verbs ser and estar) and more than 10 activities for students to complete.
FILE TYPE: the lesson is an editable PPT file. Includes a print version.
CONTENT: this lesson covers physical descriptions, the present continuous tense and the difference between ser and estar.
There is one listening activity included. Please note that audio files must be purchased from the exam board and that I cannot provide them.
This is a lesson I have created for my GCSE students to get familiar with the role play task.
To begin with, we look at question words and their translation into English. Then, I explain to them the difference between qué and cuál, which is often confunsing for them. Afterwards, students attempt 5 different role plays on a mix of different topics.
This lesson includes a starter, plenary and homework task.
The file is a PPT so it is completely editable.
All answers and model answers embedded in PPT.
This is a lesson I have created for the textbook Viva 2, Module 3 (¡A comer!), Unit 2 (En el restaurante). It is aimed at a mixed ability group.
In this lesson students learn about:
Ordering in a restaurant
Using “tú” and “usted”
The lesson includes vocab, translation and reading activities.
There is no homework task as it is included in the homework booklet I have already created. You can download it here:
This is a booklet of activities that I have created for groups of KS3 French. The booklet contains 17 activities in total and it’s aim at all levels. The activities are very varied (naming pictures, wordsearch, crossword, colouring, translation, reading). It also includes a page with all the vocab.
Hope it helps!
This is a worksheet I have created after spending a bit of time on the present (regular and irregular verbs), the past (preterite and imperfect) and the future (includes near future tense). I just wanted my students to do a bit of work on the three tenses together at the same time.
The worksheet includes:
A mat explaining how the present, the past (preterite and imperfect) and the future (future simple and near future tense) work, including the most common irregular verbs in the yo form.
10 activities to practice
answers included.
This homework booklet includes a range of activities for all the units of the new Pearson Edexcel GCSE 2024 - Module 3 - Mi gente, mi mundo.
This homework booklet includes:
1 page per unit of the book, with a couple of activities for students to complete at home.
1 vocab test for each unit of the book.
You will receive four files:
1 Power Point document with the homework booklet (editable version).
1 Power Point with the answers (editable version).
1 homework booklet (same as PPT) in PDF (not editable).
1 answer key in PDF (not editable).
I used this resource in an observation with a year 9 top set and it went really well. This resource include a presentation with at least three interactive games to do with students (all they need is miniwhiteboards) and it also includes a worksheet with three different sheets. With them students will practice the perfect tense step by step: the first worksheet covers the verb avoir, the second explains the past participle and how to use them and the third one combines both things in order to use the perfect tense.
Hope it helps!
Lesson for the new GCSE Spanish 2024. It covers Module 2 (Viajes), unidad 2 (La cultura en la calle).
EXAM BOARD: Edexcel & AQA (De fiesta en fiesta)
FILE TYPE: the lesson is an editable PPT file. Includes a print version.
CONTENT: this lesson covers:
* Talking about festivals (Fallas, Tomatina, Sanfermines, Día de Muertos)
* Using the superlative
* Using if clauses with the present.
* Ordering in a restaurant
*Please note listening files must be purchased from the exam board and that I cannot provide them.
This bundle includes:
Homework booklet
Lesson for unit 1 (¿Llevas una dieta sana?)
Lesson for unit 2 (Preparados, listos ya)
Lesson for unit 3 (¿Cuál es tu rutina diaria?)
Lesson for unit 4 (Muévete)
Lesson for unit 5 (Me duele todo)
Revision lesson
All lessons are Power Point documents, completely editable. All answers included in the documents too.
With this bundle you can save 24%!